- ghet
- fu·ghet·ta;ghet·to·iza·tion;ghet·to·ize;spa·ghet·ti;spa·ghet·ti·ni;ghet·to;lar·ghet·to;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
ghet|to — «GEHT oh», noun, plural tos or toes, verb, toed, to|ing. –n. 1. a) a part of a city where any racial or other minority group lives, especially because of economic or social restrictions: »Blacks and other minority groups, segregated in their… … Useful english dictionary
ghet|to|i|za|tion — «GEHT oh uh ZAY shuhn», noun. the act or process of ghettoizing; segregation in a ghetto … Useful english dictionary
ghet|to|ize — «GEHT oh yz», transitive verb, ized, iz|ing. to segregate or enclose in a ghetto: »... the exclusive enclave of Riveredge, a millionaire subdivision [of estates], where a hundred of the best families have pridefully ghettoized themselves behind a … Useful english dictionary
ghet·to — /ˈgɛtoʊ/ noun, pl tos also toes [count] 1 : a part of a city in which members of a particular group or race live usually in poor conditions a Jewish ghetto 2 : the poorest part of a city He grew up in the ghetto. sometimes used figuratively … Useful english dictionary
ghet·to·ise — ↑ghettoize … Useful english dictionary
ghet·to·ize — … Useful english dictionary
fu|ghet|ta — «FYOO GEHT uh; Italian foo GEHT tah», noun. Music. a short, condensed fugue, especially a fugue in which the subjects are introduced in succession, without discussion or stretto; free fugue. ╂[< Italian fughetta (diminutive) < fuga fugue] … Useful english dictionary
lar|ghet|to — «lahr GEHT oh», adjective, adverb, noun, plural tos. Music. –adj. rather slow; not so slow as largo, but usually slower than andante. –adv. in larghetto tempo; rather slowly. –n. a passage or piece of music in rather slow time. ╂[< Italian… … Useful english dictionary
spa|ghet|ti squash — «spuh GEHT ee skwosh», a winter squash, usually oblong with yellow rind. When cooked the interior flesh separates into strands … Useful english dictionary
spa|ghet|ti|ni — «spa guh TEE nee», noun. a thin kind of spaghetti. ╂[< Italian spaghettini (diminutive) < spaghetti] … Useful english dictionary