

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Glochidiate — Glo*chid i*ate, a. [Gr. ? point of an arrow.] (Bot.) Having barbs; as, glochidiate bristles. Gray. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • glochidiate — ēə̇t, ēˌāt adjective Etymology: New Latin glochidium + English ate 1. : having glochidia 2. : having barbed tips glochidiate leaves …   Useful english dictionary

  • glochidiate — See glochidium. * * * …   Universalium

  • glochidiate —   a. barbed; bristly …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • glochid — glochidiate /gloh kid ee it, ayt /, adj. /gloh kid/, n. a short hair, bristle, or spine having a barbed tip. Also, glochis /gloh kis/. [1880 90; < Gk glochid , s. of glochís arrow point] * * * …   Universalium

  • glo|chid|i|um — «gloh KIHD ee uhm», noun, plural i|a « ee uh». a tiny, bivalve larva of certain freshwater mussels that lives as a parasite on fish in its early stages. ╂[< New Latin glochidium; see etym. under glochidiate (because it is barbed at the tip)… …   Useful english dictionary

  • glochinate — glochinate, a. (ˈgləʊkɪnət) [f. Gr. γλωχῑν , stem of γλωχίς (see glochidiate a.) + ate.] = glochidiate. in Mayne Expos. Lex …   Useful english dictionary

  • Xanthidia — Xanthidium Xan*thid i*um, n.; pl. {Xanthidia}. [NL., fr. Gr. xanqo s yellow.] (Bot.) A genus of minute unicellular alg[ae] of the desmids. These alg[ae] have a rounded shape and are armed with glochidiate or branched aculei. Several species occur …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Xanthidium — Xan*thid i*um, n.; pl. {Xanthidia}. [NL., fr. Gr. xanqo s yellow.] (Bot.) A genus of minute unicellular alg[ae] of the desmids. These alg[ae] have a rounded shape and are armed with glochidiate or branched aculei. Several species occur in ditches …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bristling — Synonyms and related words: alive with, barbellate, bristled, bristly, bursting, close, compact, crammed, crawling, crowded, crowding, dense, firm, full, glochidiate, hairy, hirsute, hispid, in profusion, jam packed, jammed, lavish, overflowing,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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