- gordonia
- gor·do·nia
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
GORDONIA — GORDONIA, pioneering Zionist youth movement that was founded at the end of 1923 in Galicia from small cells and grew into a world movement. The first groups of Gordonia were created under the influence of Hitahadut, on the one hand, and by… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Gordonia — bezeichnet: (305) Gordonia, ein Asteroiden Gordonia (Bakterien), eine Bakteriengattung der Actinobakterien Gordonia (Pflanzengattung), eine Pflanzengattung aus der Familie der Teestrauchgewächse Gordonia District, Bezeichnung eines Distrikts in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Gordonia — (גורדוניה) est un mouvement de jeunesse international dont le nom rappelle le souvenir du poète David Aharon Gordon. Il est créé en 1925. Les premiers immigrants issus du mouvement montent en Terre d Israël en 1929, et s installent au kibboutz… … Wikipédia en Français
gordonia — ⇒GORDONIA, subst. masc. Arbre, arbuste d Amérique, d Asie, etc., généralement caractérisé par des feuilles persistantes, alternes, et dont les fleurs, dans l espèce cultivée en Europe, se rapprochent de celles du camélia. Quelques gordonias qui… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Gordonĭa — (G. L.). Pflanzengattung, nach Alex. Gordon benannt, aus der Familie der Ternstroemiaceae Gordonieae, Monadelphie, Polyandrie L.; Arten: G. Francklini, G. Lasianthus, G. pubescens, schönblumig, aus Nordamerika; G. haematoxylon, aus Jamaika,… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Gordonia — This article is about the plant genus Gordonia. For the youth movement of the same name, see Gordonia (youth movement). For the film of the same name, see Gordonia (film). Gordonia Gordonia lasianthus flower Scientific classification … Wikipedia
Gordonia — Gordonia Flor de Gordonia lasianthus … Wikipedia Español
gordonia — ▪ tree any of some 70 species in the genus Gordonia of the tea family (Theaceae). The genus is native to North America and East Asia and includes the loblolly bay and other trees with yellow centred, white, camellia like blooms. The… … Universalium
Gordonia — Youth movement initially founded in 1923 24 in Galicia (Poland) and based on the tenets of A. D. Gordon. It founded several new settlements and small kevutzot in Palestine and also sent members to help reinforce older settlements. In 1933, its … Historical Dictionary of Israel
Gordonia — ID 37711 Symbol Key GORDO Common Name gordonia Family Theaceae Category Dicot Division Magnoliophyta US Nativity N/A US/NA Plant Yes State Distribution AL, FL, GA, MS, NC, SC Growth Habit N/A … USDA Plant Characteristics
gordonia — I. gȯ(r)ˈdōnēə noun Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from G. Gordon, 19th century Scottish naturalist + New Latin ia : a genus of extinct reptiles from the New Red Sandstone of Scotland related to but smaller than those of Dicyn … Useful english dictionary