

English syllables. 2014.

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  • guanophore — [gwanɔfɔʀ] n. m. ÉTYM. XXe; de guano, et phore. ❖ ♦ Didact. (sc.). Cellule pigmentaire de la peau des amphibiens contenant de la guanine. 0 (…) les guanophores, qui renferment des cristaux blancs de guanine, forment une couche fortement… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • guanophore — a guanine containing pigment cell. Also called iridocyte or leucophore …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • guanophore — gua·no·phore (gwahґno for″) [guanine + phore] a cell filled with guanine crystals that produce interference in the light and thus give the cell a silvery or golden appearance; found in the skin of some cold blooded vertebrates such as… …   Medical dictionary

  • guanophore — ˈgwänəˌfō(ə)r noun ( s) Etymology: guano (from guanine) + phore : a chromatophore that is characterized by pale granules or iridescent crystals of guanine and occurs notably in the skin of fishes and reptiles : leucophore, iridophore …   Useful english dictionary

  • i|rid|o|cyte — «ih RIHD uh syt, y », noun. = guanophore. (Cf. ↑guanophore) ╂[< Greek îris, íridos iris + English cyte] …   Useful english dictionary

  • leucophore — a yellow pigment bearing cell. Also called guanophore or iridocyte …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • iridocyte — noun A cell, found in some animals, that is filled with iridescent crystals of guanine Syn: guanophore, iridophore …   Wiktionary

  • guano — [ gwano ] n. m. • 1598, repris XVIIIe; mot esp., du quechua huano 1 ♦ Matière constituée par les amas de déjections d oiseaux marins. « les rochers blancs de guano » (Le Clézio). Le guano est un puissant engrais. 2 ♦ Techn. Engrais fabriqué avec… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • iridocyte — īˈridəˌsīt, ə̇ˈr noun ( s) Etymology: irid + cyte : a cell that occurs especially in the skin of fishes and reptiles and appears iridescent greenish from included guanine compare guanophore …   Useful english dictionary

  • leucophore — ˈlükəˌfō(ə)r noun ( s) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary leuc + phore : a white chromatophore compare guanophore …   Useful english dictionary

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