- gymnodinium
- gym·no·din·i·um
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Gymnodinium — sp. Systematik Stamm: Dinozoa Abteilung: Dinoflagellaten (Dinoflagellata) … Deutsch Wikipedia
gymnodinium — ● gymnodinium nom masculin Genre de péridiniens dont les espèces marines peuvent, en cas d eutrophisation, pulluler et répandre dans l eau une toxine qui tue les poissons (phénomène des « boues rouges »). [Vivant en surface, ces micro organismes… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Gymnodinium — Taxobox | color = greenyellow name = Gymnodinium image caption = domain = Eukaryota superphylum = Alveolata phylum = Dinoflagellata divisio = classis = ordo = familia = genus = Gymnodinium species = binomial = binomial authority = Gymnodinium is… … Wikipedia
Gymnodinium — Gymnodinium … Wikipedia Español
gymnodinium — /jim neuh din ee euhm/, n., pl. gymnodinia / din ee euh/. any marine or freshwater dinoflagellate of the genus Gymnodinium, certain species of which cause red tide. [ < NL, equiv. to gymno GYMNO + Gk dín(ein) to whirl + NL ium IUM] * * * ▪… … Universalium
gymnodinium — ˈdinēəm noun Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from gymn + Greek dinein to whirl + New Latin ium : a large genus (the type of the family Gymnodiniidae) of marine and freshwater naked dinoflagellates that includes forms which are colorless… … Useful english dictionary
Gymnodinium — Genus of marine dinoflagellates that includes the unicellular organism that causes red tide. G. breve a species of microscopic algae that causes red tide; it produces a toxin that affects the central nervous system of fish, paralyzing and killi … Medical dictionary
Gymnodinium — Organismos unicelulares de la división Dinophyta, clase Dinophyceae, clase Dinophyceae, orden Gymnodiniales. Con dos flagelos heterocontos en el sulco y el cíngulo … Enciclopedia Universal
Karenia brevis — Systematik Unterreich: Alveolaten (Alveolata) Stamm: Dinozoa … Deutsch Wikipedia
Phototrophie — Die Rotalge Stylonema alsidii ist phototroph. Phototrophie oder Fototrophie (von altgriechisch φῶς phos = das Licht + τροφή trophé = die Ernährung) bezeichnet die Nutzung von Licht als Energiequelle durch Lebewesen. Das Licht wird gebraucht … Deutsch Wikipedia