- heddle
- hed·dle
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Heddle — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Kathleen Heddle (* 1965), kanadische Ruderin Matthew Forster Heddle (1828–1897), schottischer Mineraloge Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Beg … Deutsch Wikipedia
Heddle — Hed dle, v. t. To draw (the warp thread) through the heddle eyes, in weaving. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Heddle — Désigne sans doute celui qui est originaire de la localité de Heddle (Orkney Islands, Ecosse) … Noms de famille
Heddle — Hed dle, n.; pl. {Heddles}. [Cf. {Heald}.] (Weaving) One of the sets of parallel doubled threads which, with mounting, compose the harness employed to guide the warp threads to the lathe or batten in a loom. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
heddle — [hed′ l] n. [prob. (by metathesis) < ME helde < OE hefeld, weaving thread (akin to ON hafald) < base of hebban, to raise (see HEAVE) + eld, instrumental suffix] any of a series of parallel wires or cords in the harness of a loom, used… … English World dictionary
Heddle — A heddle is an integral part of a loom. Each thread in the warp passes through a heddle, Weaving. The Encyclopædia Britannica . 11th ed. 1911.] which is used to separate the warp threads for the passage of the weft. Heddle. The Oxford English… … Wikipedia
heddle — noun Etymology: probably alteration of Middle English helde, from Old English hefeld; akin to Old Norse hafald heddle, Old English hebban to lift more at heave Date: 1513 one of the sets of parallel cords or wires that with their mounting compose … New Collegiate Dictionary
heddle — noun A part of a loom. Each of the threads that form a warp passes through an eye in a heddle to allow control of the up and down movement of the threads … Wiktionary
heddle — The device on a loom used for raising selected warps to create space through which the weft thread can easily pass. Illustrated here is a heddle of the slot type … Glossary of Art Terms
Heddle Nash — (b. 1894; d. 14 August 1961) was an English tenor from London. Early studies and debut Nash was born in the South London suburb of Deptford on 14 June 1894. His musical studies were interrupted by the First World War, during which he fought in… … Wikipedia
Heddle-eye — Hed dle eye , n. (Weaving) The eye or loop formed in each heddle to receive a warp thread. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English