

English syllables. 2014.

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  • hepatectomy — [hep΄ə tek′tə mē] n. pl. hepatectomies [ HEPAT(O) + ECTOMY] the surgical removal of part or all of the liver …   English World dictionary

  • Hepatectomy — Interventions infobox Name = PAGENAME Caption = ICD10 = ICD9 = 50.22 ICD9 mult = ICD9proc|50.4 MeshID = D006498 OtherCodes = Hepatectomy consists on the surgical resection of the liver. While the term is often employed for the removal of the… …   Wikipedia

  • hepatectomy — Removal of the liver, whole or in part. [hepat + G. ektome, excision] * * * hep·a·tec·to·my .hep ə tek tə mē n, pl mies excision of the liver or of part of the liver hep·a·tec·to·mized also Brit hep·a·tec·to·mised tə .mīzd adj * * * n. the …   Medical dictionary

  • hepatectomy — n. the operation of removing the liver. Partial hepatectomy is the removal of one or more lobes of the liver; it may be carried out after severe injury or to remove a tumour localized in one part of the liver …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • hepatectomy — noun (plural mies) Date: circa 1890 excision of the liver or of part of the liver • hepatectomized adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • hepatectomy — /hep euh tek teuh mee/, n., pl. hepatectomies. excision of part of the liver. [1895 1900; HEPAT + ECTOMY] * * * …   Universalium

  • hepatectomy — noun The surgical removal of all or part of the liver …   Wiktionary

  • hepatectomy — n. surgical removal of all or part of the liver …   English contemporary dictionary

  • hepatectomy — hep•a•tec•to•my [[t]ˌhɛp əˈtɛk tə mi[/t]] n. pl. mies srg the surgical excision of part or all of the liver • Etymology: 1895–1900 …   From formal English to slang

  • hepatectomy — Surgery to remove all or part of the liver …   English dictionary of cancer terms

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