- hocket
- hock·et
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Hocket — In music, hocket is the rhythmic linear technique using the alternation of notes, pitches, or chords. In medieval practice of hocket, a single melody is shared between two (or occasionally more) voices such that alternately one voice sounds while … Wikipedia
hocket — /hok it/, n. a technique in medieval musical composition in which two or three voice parts are given notes or short phrases in rapid alternation, producing an erratic, hiccuping effect. [1250 1300; ME hoket hitch < MF hocquet hiccup, sudden… … Universalium
hocket — noun Music a spasmodic or interrupted effect, produced by dividing a melody between two parts, notes in one part coinciding with rests in the other. Derivatives hocketing noun Origin C18: from Fr. hoquet hiccup … English new terms dictionary
hocket — /ˈhɒkət/ (say hokuht) noun a stylistic feature of medieval polyphony whereby two voices, with single notes or small groups of notes, are rapidly alternated, one part resting while the other sounds. {Middle English, from Old French hocquet… …
hocket — … Useful english dictionary
Hoquetus — Der Name Hoquetus (andere Schreibweisen: Hoketus, Hochetus) kommt aus dem Altfranzösischen und bedeutet so viel wie „zerschneiden“. Es handelt sich um eine Satztechnik des mehrstimmigen Satzes, später auch eine eigene Gattung in der Musik. Bei… … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of Sub-Saharan African folk music traditions — This is a list of folk music traditions, with styles, dances, instruments and other related topics. The term folk music can not be easily defined in a precise manner; it is used with widely varying definitions depending on the author, intended… … Wikipedia
African music — Introduction the musical sounds and practices of all indigenous peoples of Africa, including the Berber in the Sahara and the San (Bushmen) and Khoikhoin (Hottentot) in Southern Africa. The music of European settler communities and that of… … Universalium
Sub-Saharan African music traditions — A Mangbetu man playing an African harp See also: Rhythm in Sub Saharan Africa Sub Saharan African music traditions exhibit so many common features that they may in some respects be thought of as constituting a single musical system.[1] … Wikipedia
October (Whitacre) — October is a contemporary piece for concert band that was written by Eric Whitacre in 2000. Based on the guidelines as established by the authors of Teaching Music through Performance in Band, October is a Grade 4 piece. Eric Whitacre conducting… … Wikipedia