- homoousion
- homo·ou·si·on
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Homoousion — • The word used by the Council of Nicaea (325) to express the Divinity of Christ Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Homoousion Homoousion … Catholic encyclopedia
homoousion — üz(h)ēˌän, üs(h) noun ( s) Usage: often capitalized Etymology: Greek, accusative masculine singular of homoousios : a theological doctrine holding that Christ is of one substance with God the very existence of Christianity … was at stake over the … Useful english dictionary
homoousion — (homousion ) (Gk., of one substance) Term used by Augustine to express the identity of the substance of the members of the Trinity; the principal doctrine affirmed in the Athanasian creed, drawn up to confute the Arian heresy . Not to be… … Philosophy dictionary
Homoousion — Of one substance: term expressing relationship of Father to Son in the Trinity … Who’s Who in Christianity
Acacius of Caesarea — in Greek Ἀκάκιος Mονόφθαλμος (died 366) was a Christian bishop, the pupil and successor in the Palestinian see of Caesarea of Eusebius AD 340, whose life he wrote. (Socrates, Historia Ecclesiastica , 2.4.) He is remembered chiefly for his bitter… … Wikipedia
St. Athanasius — St. Athanasius † Catholic Encyclopedia ► St. Athanasius Bishop of Alexandria; Confessor and Doctor of the Church; born c. 296; died 2 May, 373. Athanasius was the greatest champion of Catholic belief on the subject of the Incarnation… … Catholic encyclopedia
Arius — (AD ca. 250 or 256 336) was a Christian priest from Alexandria, Egypt in the early fourth century whose teachings, now called Arianism, were deemed heretical by the Church. In about the year 318, he was involved in a dispute with his bishop,… … Wikipedia
Acacians — The Acacians, also known as the Homoeans, were an Arian sect which first emerged into distinctness as an ecclesiastical party some time before the convocation of the joint synods of Ariminum (Rimini) and Seleucia Isauria in 359. The sect owed its … Wikipedia
Council of Sirmium — The Council of Sirmium generally refers to the third of the four episcopal councils held in Sirmium between 357 AD and 359 AD. Specifically one was held in 357, one in 358 and one in 359. The third council marked a temporary compromise between… … Wikipedia
Arianism — Arianistic, Arianistical, adj. /air ee euh niz euhm, ar /, n. Theol. the doctrine, taught by Arius, that Christ the Son was not consubstantial with God the Father. [1590 1600; ARIAN + ISM] * * * Christian heresy that declared that Christ is not… … Universalium