- anaptyctic
- an·ap·tyc·tic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
anaptyctic — … Useful english dictionary
anaptyxis — anaptyctic /an euhp tik tik, an ap /, anaptyctical, adj. /an euhp tik sis, an ap /, n., pl. anaptyxes / tik seez/. epenthesis of a vowel. [1880 85; < NL < Gk, equiv. to anaptyk (s. of anaptýssein to unfold, equiv. to ana ANA + ptýssein to fold) + … Universalium
Biblical Hebrew — Biblical Hebrew, Classical Hebrew שְֹפַת כְּנַעַן, יְהוּדִית, (לְשוֹן) עִבְרִית … Wikipedia
Scythians — Infobox Ethnic group group=Scythians poptime=Unknown popplace=Eastern Europe Central Asia West Asia Northern India langs=Scythian language rels=Animism related= *Sarmatians *Dahae *Sakas *Indo Scythians *Massagetes *Jatts *NairsThe Scythians or… … Wikipedia
Neo-Mandaic — Mandāyí, Raṭnā Pronunciation [mændɔːˈji], [rætˤnɔ] Spoken in Iran, Iraq (extinct) Native speakers ca. 500 … Wikipedia
Danish phonology — This article is part of the series on: Danish language Use: Alphabet Phonology Grammar Other topics … Wikipedia
tegmen — tegminal /teg meuh nl/, adj. /teg meuhn/, n., pl. tegmina / meuh neuh/. 1. a cover, covering, or integument. 2. Bot. the delicate inner integument or coat of a seed. 3. (of certain orthopterous insects) one of a pair of leathery forewings that… … Universalium
anaptyxis — [ˌanəp tɪksɪs] noun Phonetics the insertion of a vowel between two consonants to aid pronunciation, as in he went thataway. Derivatives anaptyctic adjective Origin C19: mod. L., from Gk anaptuxis unfolding … English new terms dictionary
anaptyxis — /ænæpˈtɪksəs/ (say anap tiksuhs) noun Linguistics the epenthesis of a vowel, as the schwa in /fɪləm/. Compare excrescence (def. 5). –anaptyctic /ænæpˈtɪktɪk/ (say anap tiktik), adjective …
anaptyxis — [an΄ap tiks′is] n. pl. anaptyxes [an΄ap tiks′ēz΄] [ModL < Gr, an opening, gaping < fut. stem of anaptyssein, to unfold, open < ana , up + ptyssein, to fold] epenthesis of a vowel anaptyctic [an΄aptik′tik] adj … English World dictionary