- honorifically
- hon·or·if·i·cal·ly
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
honorifically — adverb see honorific … New Collegiate Dictionary
honorifically — See honorific. * * * … Universalium
honorifically — adverb In a honorific manner … Wiktionary
honorifically — adv. in a honorific manner, respectfully … English contemporary dictionary
honorifically — adverb see honorific I * * * honorifˈically adverb • • • Main Entry: ↑honorific … Useful english dictionary
honorific — honorifically, adv. /on euh rif ik/, adj. 1. Also, honorifical. doing or conferring honor. 2. conveying honor, as a title or a grammatical form used in speaking to or about a superior, elder, etc. n. 3. (in certain languages, as Chinese and… … Universalium
honorific — adjective Date: 1650 1. conferring or conveying honor < honorific titles > 2. belonging to or constituting a class of grammatical forms used in speaking to or about a social superior • honorific noun • honorifically adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
Honorific — An honorific is a word or expression that conveys esteem or respect when used in addressing or referring to a person. Honorific may refer broadly to the style of language or particular words or grammatical markings used in this way, including… … Wikipedia
Liezi — For the author, see Lie Yukou; for the village in Azerbaijan, see Liəzi. Taoism This article is part of a series on Taoism Fundamentals … Wikipedia
Alberico Gentili — (Lat. Albericus Gentilis; January 14, 1552 ndash;June 19, 1608), was an Italian jurist. He later became regius professor of civil law at the University of Oxford and is one of the first writers on public international law.LifeAlberico Gentili was … Wikipedia