

English syllables. 2014.

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  • hotch —  to hotch beans is to separate them from peas after they are threshed. Derb.  to hotch, to limp. Lane …   A glossary of provincial and local words used in England

  • Hotch-pot — Hotch pot, or hotch potch, in English law, is the name given to a rule of equity whereby a person, interested along with others in a common fund, and having already received something in the same interest, is required to surrender what has been… …   Wikipedia

  • Hotch Potch House — is a TV show from the 90s aimed at preschool children. Hotch Potch House featured Richard Coombs as Rags, Francis Wright as Shelley and Rebecca Nagan as Woolley. it was directed by Vivienne Cozens. It was shot at Grip house Studios. The stated… …   Wikipedia

  • hotch with — To swarm, seethe with • • • Main Entry: ↑hotch …   Useful english dictionary

  • hotch|potch — «HOCH POCH», noun. 1. = hodgepodge. (Cf. ↑hodgepodge) 2. a dish containing a mixture of many ingredients, especially a mutton broth thickened with young vegetables of all sorts stewed together. 3. Law = hotchpot. (Cf. ↑hotchpot) ╂[variant of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • hotch|pot — «HOCH POT», noun. 1. Law. the uniting in a common lot of properties for the purpose of dividing them equally, as in distributing the estate of an intestate parent. 2. = hotchpotch (def 2). (Cf. ↑hotchpotch) ╂[< Anglo French hochepot < Old… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Hotch potchi — A Japanese boy band group called HOTCH POTCHI. The band was formed in 2005. Many male singers from this group had withdraw . Yousuke, the main vocal, withdraw from this group. The company have a lot of new members recruited. Infobox musical… …   Wikipedia

  • hotch-potch — [[t]hɒ̱tʃ pɒtʃ[/t]] also hotchpotch N SING: usu with supp, oft N of n A hotch potch is an untidy mixture of different types of things. [BRIT] The palace is a complete hotch potch of architectural styles. Syn: jumble (in AM, use hodgepodge) …   English dictionary

  • hotch — intransitive verb Etymology: Middle English, probably from Middle French hocher to shake, from Old French hochier Date: 15th century 1. Scottish wiggle, fidget 2. chiefly Scottish swarm …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • hotch — /hoch/, Scot. and North Eng. v.i. 1. to fidget; shift one s weight from one foot to the other. v.t. 2. to cause to fidget or shiver. [1350 1400; ME (north) hotchen; akin to D hotsen to jolt, dial. G hotzen to move up and down, F hocher to jog,… …   Universalium

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