- hyperurbanism
- hy·per·urbanism
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
hyperurbanism — noun Date: 1925 use of hypercorrect forms in language; also such a form … New Collegiate Dictionary
hyperurbanism — См. iperurbanismo … Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов
hyperurbanism — /huy peuhr err beuh niz euhm/, n. Ling. a pronunciation or grammatical form or usage produced by a speaker of one dialect according to an analogical rule formed by comparison of the speaker s own usage with that of another, more prestigious,… … Universalium
hyperurbanism — noun the creation of a non standard form by mimicking the standard dialect. Syn: hypercorrection, overcorrection … Wiktionary
hyperurbanism — ˌhīpər+ noun ( s) Etymology: hyper + urban + ism : a form, pronunciation, or usage that overreaches correctness in an effort to avoid provincial speech … Useful english dictionary
Hypercorrection — For the psychological use, see Compensation (psychology). In linguistics or usage, hypercorrection is a non standard usage that results from the over application of a perceived rule of grammar or a usage prescription. A speaker or writer who… … Wikipedia
Paschtunisches Alphabet — Auszug aus einer 1651 im Nastaliq Stil verfassten Kopie des Chair al Bayān, dem ältesten bekannten Dokument in paschtunischer Schrift Die paschtunische Schrift ist eine Buchstabenschrift zur Schreibung des Paschtu, einer zum ostiranischen Zweig… … Deutsch Wikipedia
iperurbanismo — (гиперурбанизм | hyperurbanisme | Hyperurbanismus | hyperurbanism | iperurbanismo) Подражание городскому выговору путем неправильного употребления правила соответствия (см. гиперкорректный); так, например, в латинском языке на том основании, что… … Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов
hypercorrection — /huy peuhr keuh rek sheuhn/, n. Ling. 1. the substitution, in an inappropriate context, of a pronunciation, grammatical form, or usage thought by the speaker or writer to be appropriate, resulting usually from overgeneralizing in an effort to… … Universalium
hyperform — /huy peuhr fawrm /, n. Ling. a pronunciation or grammatical form or usage produced by hypercorrection. Cf. hypercorrection, hyperurbanism. [1930 35; HYPER + FORM] * * * … Universalium