- hypobaric
- hy·po·bar·ic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
hypobaric — adjective Of, relating to, or utilizing less than normal pressure (as in air pressure). Mountain climbers need additional oxygen because of the hypobaric conditions … Wiktionary
Hypobaric chamber — A hypobaric chamber, or altitude chamber, is a chamber used during aerospace or high terrestrial altitude research or training to simulate the effects of high altitude on the human body, especially hypoxia (low oxygen) and hypobaria (low ambient… … Wikipedia
hypobaric hypoxia — hypoxia occurring in hypobaric environments, such as occurs in airsickness and altitude sickness … Medical dictionary
hypobaric chamber — hipobarokamera statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Kamera, naudojama slėgiui sumažinti iki tokio, kuris pasiekiamas kylant aukštyn. Šios kameros yra naudojamos mokymui ir tyrinėjimams. atitikmenys: angl. altitude chamber; decompression chamber;… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
hypobaric — /huy peuh bar ik/, adj. Med. (of an anesthetic) having a specific gravity lower than that of cerebrospinal fluid. Cf. hyperbaric (def. 1). [1925 30; HYPO + Gk bár(os) weight + IC] * * * … Universalium
hypobaric — 1. Pertaining to pressure of ambient gases below 1 atmosphere. 2. With respect to solutions, less dense than the diluent or medium; e.g., in spinal anesthesia, a h. solution has a density lower than that of spinal fluid. [ … Medical dictionary
hypobaric — adj. having a lower density than the cerebrospinal fluid (of an anaesthetic) … English contemporary dictionary
hypobaric — adj. at a pressure lower than that of the atmosphere … The new mediacal dictionary
hypobaric — hy•po•bar•ic [[t]ˌhaɪ pəˈbær ɪk[/t]] adj. med (of an anesthetic) having a specific gravity lower than that of cerebrospinal fluid • Etymology: 1925–30 … From formal English to slang
hypobaric — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷+|barik adjective Etymology: hypo + Greek baros weight + English ic more at grieve : having a specific gravity less than that of cerebrospinal fluid used of solutions for spinal anesthesia; opposed to hyperbaric … Useful english dictionary