

English syllables. 2014.

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  • hypophyge — hīˈpäfə(ˌ)jē, hə̇ˈ noun ( s) Etymology: New Latin, from Greek hypophygē refuge, recess, from hypo + phygē flight, from pheugein to flee more at fugitive : a hollow curvature especially under a Doric capital in some Greek buildings compare… …   Useful english dictionary

  • hypophyge — /huy pof i jee, hi /, n. apophyge (def. 2). [ < Gk hypophygé flight from under, evasion, equiv. to hypo HYPO + phygé flight; see APOPHYGE] * * * …   Universalium

  • apophyge — /euh pof i jee /, n. Archit. 1. a small, concave, outward curve joining the shaft of a column, esp. a classical column, to its base. 2. Also called hypophyge. a similar curve joining the shaft of a column to its capital. Also, apophysis. [1555… …   Universalium

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