- hyraciform
- hy·rac·i·form
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
hyraciform — (ˈ) ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌfȯrm adjective Etymology: New Latin hyrac , hyrax + English iform : resembling a hyrax … Useful english dictionary
hyraci- — hyraco (before a vowel hyrac ), Lat. and Gr. comb. forms respectively of hyrax. hyraciform (haɪˈræsɪfɔːm) a. [see form], resembling a hyrax; hyracoid. hyracodont (haɪˈrækədɒnt) a. [Gr. ὀδοντ tooth], having the dentition characteristic of the gen … Useful english dictionary
hyraco- — hyraci , hyraco (before a vowel hyrac ), Lat. and Gr. comb. forms respectively of hyrax. hyraciform (haɪˈræsɪfɔːm) a. [see form], resembling a hyrax; hyracoid. hyracodont (haɪˈrækədɒnt) a. [Gr. ὀδοντ tooth], having the dentition characteristic of … Useful english dictionary