- imbecilely
- im·be·cile·ly
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
imbecilely — See imbecile. * * * … Universalium
imbecilely — əl(l)]ē, il(l)], īll], ēll], ]i adverb : in an imbecile manner … Useful english dictionary
imbecile — imbecilely, adv. /im beuh sil, seuhl/ or, esp. Brit., / seel /, n. 1. Psychol. a person of the second order in a former classification of mental retardation, above the level of idiocy, having a mental age of seven or eight years and an… … Universalium
imbecile — /ˈɪmbəsil / (say imbuhseel), / saɪl/ (say suyl) noun 1. a silly person; a fool. 2. Psychiatry Obsolescent a person of defective mentality above the grade of idiocy. –adjective 3. relating to or like an imbecile. 4. silly; absurd. 5. Obsolete… …
imbecile — n. & adj. n. 1 a person of abnormally weak intellect, esp. an adult with a mental age of about five. 2 colloq. a stupid person. adj. mentally weak; stupid, idiotic. Derivatives: imbecilely adv. imbecilic adj. imbecility n. (pl. ies). Etymology: F … Useful english dictionary