- angioid
- an·gi·oid
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
angioid — an|gio|i̱d [↑angio... u. ↑...id]: blutgefäßähnlich. an|gio|i̱de Nẹtzhautstreifen vgl. Angioid streaks … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Angioid streaks — Angioid streaks, also called Knapp streaks or Knapp striae are small breaks in Bruch s membrane, an elastic tissue containing membrane of the retina that can become calcified and crack.They were first described by Robert Walter Doyne in 1889 in a … Wikipedia
Angioid streaks — Tiny breaks in the elastin filled tissue in the back of the eye (retinae). These abnormalities are visible to the doctor during an examination using a viewing instrument called an ophthalmoscope. Angioid streaks are seen in patients with… … Medical dictionary
Angioid streaks — An|gio|id streaks [ạ̈nds̶c̶h̶oid ßtri̱kß; aus gleichbed. engl. angioid streaks] Mehrz.: “angioide Netzhautstreifen“, auf degenerative Veränderungen der Netzhaut zurückzuführende braune, radiär von der Pupille ausgehende Streifen in der Netzhaut… … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
angioid — adjective Resembling a blood vessel … Wiktionary
angioid — Resembling blood vessel s; an arborizing pattern. [angio + G. eidos, resemblance] * * * an·gi·oid an jē .ȯid adj resembling a blood vessel or lymphatic * * * an·gi·oid (anґje oid) [angi + oid] resembling a blood vessel … Medical dictionary
angioid — an|gio|id <zu ↑...oid> blutgefäßähnlich (Med.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
angioid — n. like blood or lymph vessel … Dictionary of difficult words
angioid — ˈanjēˌȯid adjective Etymology: angi + oid : resembling a blood vessel or lymph vessel … Useful english dictionary
angioid streaks — reddish to dark brown irregular streaks radiating outwards from the optic disc underneath the retinal vessels. They represent irregular linear cracks in Bruch s membrane and can be the site for the development of new vessels from the choroid that … The new mediacal dictionary