- inconsequently
- in·consequently
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
inconsequently — adverb see inconsequent … New Collegiate Dictionary
inconsequently — See inconsequence. * * * … Universalium
inconsequently — adverb In an inconsequential way, or a way that suggests a lack of consequence … Wiktionary
inconsequently — adverb lacking consequence You re so beautifully dressed, she said and added quite inconsequentially, Can you stay the night? • Syn: ↑inconsequentially • Ant: ↑consequentially (for: ↑inconsequentially) … Useful english dictionary
inconsequentially — adverb lacking consequence You re so beautifully dressed, she said and added quite inconsequentially, Can you stay the night? • Syn: ↑inconsequently • Ant: ↑consequentially • Derived from adjective: ↑inconsequent ( … Useful english dictionary
inconsequent — adjective Etymology: Late Latin inconsequent , inconsequens, from Latin in + consequent , consequens consequent Date: 1579 1. a. lacking reasonable sequence ; illogical b. inconsecutive 2. inconsequential 2 3. irrelevant • … New Collegiate Dictionary
inconsequent — inconsequence, inconsequentness, n. inconsequently, adv. /in kon si kwent , kweuhnt/, adj. 1. characterized by lack of proper sequence in thought, speech, or action. 2. characterized by lack of logical sequence; illogical; inconsecutive:… … Universalium
Unicode character property — Unicode assigns character properties to each code point.[1] These properties can be used to handle characters (code points) in processes, like in line breaking, script direction right to left or applying controls. Slightly inconsequently, some… … Wikipedia
inconsequent — adjective 1》 not connected or following logically; irrelevant. 2》 inconsequential. Derivatives inconsequence noun inconsequently adverb … English new terms dictionary
inconsequent — /ɪnˈkɒnsəkwənt/ (say in konsuhkwuhnt) adjective 1. characterised by lack of sequence in thought, speech, or action. 2. not following from the premises: an inconsequent deduction. 3. characterised by lack of logical sequence: inconsequent… …