- infixion
- in·fix·ion
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
infixion — noun see infixation … Useful english dictionary
infix — infixion /in fik sheuhn/, n. v. /in fiks , in fiks /; n. /in fiks /, v.t. 1. to fix, fasten, or drive in: He infixed the fatal spear. 2. to implant: to infix a habit. 3. to instill (a fact, idea, etc.) in the mind or memory; impress. 4. Gram. to… … Universalium
Sanskrit verbs — The Sanskrit verbal system is very complex, with verbs inflecting for different combinations of tense, aspect, mood, number, and person. Participial forms are also extensively used.Classification of verbsThere are two broad ways of classifying… … Wikipedia
Vedic Sanskrit grammar — is the oldest attested full case and tense system grammar of a language from the Indo European language family. Comparing with Classical Sanskrit, Vedic Sanskrit had a subjunctive absent in Panini s grammar and generally believed to have… … Wikipedia
conditioning — Synonyms and related words: Pavlovian conditioning, absorption and regurgitation, acclimation, acclimatization, accommodation, accustoming, adaptation, adaption, addictive, adjustment, apprenticeship, automatic writing, automatism, basic training … Moby Thesaurus
confirmation — Synonyms and related words: John Hancock, OK, acceptance, affirmance, affirmation, agape, approbation, approval, ascertainment, asperges, aspersion, assurance, attestation, auricular confession, authentication, authorization, backing, backing up … Moby Thesaurus
entrance — Synonyms and related words: access, adit, admission, admittance, air lock, anesthetize, aperture, appearance, approach, arrival, attract, becharm, beginning, beguile, bewitch, captivate, carry away, cast a spell, channel, charm, coming, coming in … Moby Thesaurus
entrenchment — Synonyms and related words: abri, approach trench, aqueduct, bunker, canal, canalization, channel, communication trench, confirmation, countermine, coupure, crimp, cut, deep rootedness, deep seatedness, dike, ditch, double sap, dugout, embedment … Moby Thesaurus
establishment — Synonyms and related words: A, Old Guard, absolute indication, agency, alpha, anchorage, animal kingdom, architecture, aristocracy, ascertainment, assurance, atelier, barbershop, barons, beauty parlor, beauty shop, beginning, bench, blast off,… … Moby Thesaurus
fixation — Synonyms and related words: Freudian fixation, anchorage, arrest, arrestation, arrested development, arrestment, blockage, blocking, check, clogging, closing up, closure, colonization, complex, compulsion, confirmation, constriction, cramp, craze … Moby Thesaurus