- infixation
- in·fix·a·tion
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
infixation — noun see infix I … New Collegiate Dictionary
infixation — … Useful english dictionary
Expletive infixation — is a process by which an expletive or profanity is inserted into a word, usually for intensification. It is similar to tmesis, but not all instances are covered by the usual definition of tmesis because the words are not necessarily compounds.… … Wikipedia
Infix — An infix is an affix inserted inside a stem (an existing word). It contrasts with adfix, a rare term for an affix attached to the outside of a stem, such as a prefix or suffix. Infixes in EnglishEnglish has very few true infixes (as opposed to… … Wikipedia
Qenya — Quenya Le quenya (prononcé [ kʷɛnʲa]) ou haut elfique est une des langues construites imaginées par le romancier et philologue John Ronald Reuel Tolkien dans le cadre de l élaboration des récits de la Terre du Milieu. Sa création remonte au plus… … Wikipédia en Français
Quenya — Quenya, Quendya Auteur John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Parlée dans le monde imaginaire de la Terre du Milieu Typologie langue synthétique, présentant à la fois des traits agglutinants et flexionnels Catégorie langue imaginaire … Wikipédia en Français
Pig Latin — is an English language game in which the initial consonant sound of an English word is placed at the end and an ay is affixed (Ex.: banana would yield anana bay), to both obfuscate the encoding and to indicate for the intended recipient the… … Wikipedia
Tmesis — (from Ancient Greek gr. τμῆσις tmēsis , a cutting < gr. τέμνω temnō , I cut ) is a linguistic phenomenon or figure of speech in which a word is separated into two parts, with other words occurring between them. [The Oxford Companion to the… … Wikipedia
Otomi language — Otomi Hñähnü, Hñähño, Hñotho, Hñähü, Hñätho, Yųhų, Yųhmų, Ñųhų, Ñǫthǫ, Ñañhų Otomi market … Wikipedia
Algisch — Verbreitung der Algischen Sprachen Algisch (auch Algonkin Wiyot Yurok oder Algonkin Ritwan) ist eine in Nordamerika beheimatete Sprachfamilie 2. Grades. Sie gehört zu den indigenen amerikanischen Sprachen. Für die zu rekonstruierende Ursprache… … Deutsch Wikipedia