- inscriptionless
- in·scrip·tion·less
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
inscriptionless — shənlə̇s adjective : lacking any inscription buried beneath an inscriptionless stone … Useful english dictionary
inscription — inscriptional, adj. inscriptionless, adj. /in skrip sheuhn/, n. 1. something inscribed. 2. a historical, religious, or other record cut, impressed, painted, or written on stone, brick, metal, or other hard surface. 3. a brief, usually informal… … Universalium
inscription — /ɪnˈskrɪpʃən/ (say in skripshuhn) noun 1. something inscribed. 2. a brief, more or less informal dedication, as of a book or a work of art. 3. a note inscribed in a book, usually signed. 4. Archaeology a historical, religious, or other record cut …