- integraph
- in·te·graph
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Integraph — Integraph, ein Instrument, welches zur mechanischen Ausführung der Integrationen dient, zu einer gezeichneten Kurve y = f(x) die zugehörige Integralkurve Y = ∫f (x, y)d x + C zeichnet und den Inhalt gezeichneter Flächenumrisse mißt. Um das … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
Integraph — is an instrument used in mathematics for plotting the integral of a graphically defined function. It was invented independently about 1880 by the British physicist Sir Charles Vernon Boys and the Polish Lithuanian mathematician from Russian… … Wikipedia
Integraph — der, en/ en, ein Integriergerät. * * * In|te|graph, der; en, en [zu ↑Integral u. ↑ graph]: Integriergerät, das die grafische Lösung des Integrals (2) einer Differenzialgleichung liefert … Universal-Lexikon
integraph — /in ti graf , grahf /, n. integrator (def. 2). [1880 85; b. INTEGRATE and GRAPH] * * * ▪ instrument mathematical instrument for plotting the integral of a graphically defined function. Two such instruments were invented independently about… … Universalium
integraph — noun A device that determines the value of an integral by measuring the area under a curve (and drawing the curve of its integral) … Wiktionary
integraph — n. device that performs mathematical integrations, integrator … English contemporary dictionary
integraph — ˌgraf, rȧf noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, blend of integrate and graph : an instrument that draws mechanically the graph of an antiderivative of a given mathematical function … Useful english dictionary
Product Integraph — Der Product Integraph war nach Beschreibung des Entwicklers Vannevar Bush eine elektrische Maschine, die selbstständig denkt. Als Gehirn aus Menschenhand übertrifft der Integraph das logische Denken des Menschen durch seine Fähigkeit,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bruno Abakanowicz — Bruno Abdank Abakanowicz (October 6, 1852 August 29 1900) was a mathematician, inventor and electrical engineer. Life and Nationality Abakanowicz was born in 1852 in Vilkmergė, Kovno Governorate of the Russian Empire (formerly the Grand Duchy of… … Wikipedia
Differential analyser — This article is about analogue differential analysers. For the digital implementation, see Digital Differential Analyzer. Thomson disc and sphere analyser for studying tides The differential analyser is a mechanical analogue computer designed to… … Wikipedia