- interjectory
- in·ter·jec·to·ry
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
interjectory — interjectorily, adv. /in teuhr jek teuh ree/, adj. 1. characterized by interjection; interjectional. 2. thrust in; interjected: an interjectory word. [1855 60; INTERJECT + ORY1] * * * … Universalium
interjectory — adjective see interject … New Collegiate Dictionary
interjectory — adj. of an interjection, of an exclamation … English contemporary dictionary
interjectory — /ɪntəˈdʒɛktəri/ (say intuh jektuhree) adjective 1. interjectional. 2. interjected. –interjectorily, adverb …
interjectory — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|jekt(ə)rē, ri adjective Etymology: interject + ory : characterized by interjection : thrust in between … Useful english dictionary
Kansai dialect — A label in Kansai ben. The advertisement, Iwashi o tabena akan!, translates as You must eat sardines! … Wikipedia
interject — transitive verb Etymology: Latin interjectus, past participle of intericere, from inter + jacere to throw more at jet Date: 1588 to throw in between or among other things ; interpolate < interject a remark > Synonyms: see introduce • interjector… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Upa — You could be looking for UPA (initials or acronym) Upa may refer to: *Upa, a fictional baby character created by Konami for the video game Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa *Bridging in Brazilian jiu jitsu, a move designed to dislodge a mounted opponent… … Wikipedia
interjectional — [in΄tərjek′shə nəl] adj. 1. of, or having the nature of, an interjection 2. interjected 3. containing an interjection: Also interjectory interjectionally adv. * * * See … Universalium
expletive — expletively, adv. /ek spli tiv/, n. 1. an interjectory word or expression, frequently profane; an exclamatory oath. 2. a syllable, word, or phrase serving to fill out. 3. Gram. a word considered as regularly filling the syntactic position of… … Universalium