- intravasation
- in·trav·a·sation
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
intravasation — [in trav΄ə sā′shən] n. [ INTRA + (EXTRA)VASATION] the entry of a foreign substance into a blood or lymph vessel … English World dictionary
Intravasation — As a part of the process of metastasis, intravasation refers to the invasion of a cancer through the basal membrane and into blood vessels.In radiology, intravasation is used to describe penetration of radiographic contrast into the soft tissue… … Wikipedia
intravasation — /in trav euh say sheuhn/, n. Pathol. the entrance of foreign matter into a blood vessel of the body. [1665 75; INTRA + (EXTRA)VASATION] * * * … Universalium
intravasation — noun The entry of foreign (especially cancerous) material into a blood vessel … Wiktionary
intravasation — in·trav·a·sa·tion (.)in .trav ə sā shən n the entrance of foreign matter into a vessel of the body and esp. a blood vessel * * * in·trav·a·sa·tion (in trav″ə saґshən) the entrance of foreign material into a blood vessel … Medical dictionary
intravasation — n. entrance of a foreign body into a blood vessel (Medicine) … English contemporary dictionary
intravasation — n. Medicine, entrance of externally formed matter into vessels … Dictionary of difficult words
intravasation — noun entry of foreign matter into a blood vessel • Hypernyms: ↑injury, ↑hurt, ↑harm, ↑trauma … Useful english dictionary
Hyaluronan — Identifiers CAS number 9004 61 9 … Wikipedia
TUMEURS ANIMALES — L’organisme d’un animal est en renouvellement continuel. Au cours de la croissance, les cellules de la plupart des tissus se multiplient et se différencient [cf. ONTOGENÈSE ANIMALE]. Ces deux stades de l’organisation histologique se succèdent à… … Encyclopédie Universelle