

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Irefully — Ireful Ire ful, a. Full of ire; angry; wroth. The ireful bastard Orleans. Shak. {Ire ful*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • irefully — See ireful. * * * …   Universalium

  • irefully — adverb In an ireful manner; angrily; wrathfully …   Wiktionary

  • irefully — adv. angrily, furiously …   English contemporary dictionary

  • irefully — adverb see ireful …   Useful english dictionary

  • ireful — irefully, adv. irefulness, n. /uyeur feuhl/, adj. 1. full of intense anger; wrathful. 2. easily roused to anger; irascible. [1250 1300; ME; see IRE, FUL] * * * …   Universalium

  • Champ — Champ, v. i. To bite or chew impatiently. [1913 Webster] They began . . . irefully to champ upon the bit. Hooker. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ireful — adjective Full of ire; angry; wroth. See Also: ire, irefully, irefulness …   Wiktionary

  • ireful — /ˈaɪəfəl/ (say uyuhfuhl) adjective 1. full of ire; wrathful: an ireful look. 2. irascible. –irefully, adverb –irefulness, noun …  

  • ire — [īr] n. [OFr < L ira < IE base * eis , to move quickly, violently > Gr oima, stormy attack, ON eisa, to rush on] anger; wrath SYN. ANGER ireful adj. irefully adv. irefulness n …   English World dictionary

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