- kentrogon
- ken·tro·gon
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
kentrogon — n. [Gr. kentor, piercer; gone, that which generates] (ARTHROPODA: Crustacea) In Rhizocephala, undifferentiated cells formed after the cyprid larval molts and its appendages and carapace are discarded, that penetrates the integument of a Decapoda… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
kentrogon — In Cirripedia (Rhizocephala), dedifferentiated cells of female or hermaphrodite cyprid larva, at time they are being extruded through cyprid first antenna into host crustacean; or of male cyprid, being extruded into mantle cavity of female [Moore … Crustacea glossary
kentrogon — ˈken.trəˌgän noun ( s) Etymology: Greek kentron sharp point, center of a circle + English gon more at center : a larva of a parasitic barnacle (order Rhizocephala) … Useful english dictionary
stylet — See: caudal ramus [Martin, 2005]. Hollow cuticular structure of the kentrogon larva used for injecting a motile, multicellular, vermiform larval stage (called the vermigon or vermiform instar) into the host [Brusca and Brusca, 2002]. See: caudal… … Crustacea glossary
Walter Garstang — (February 9, 1868 February 23, 1949), a Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford, was a marine biologist and zoologist who was one of the first to study the functional biology of marine invertebrate larvae. His best known works on marine larvae were his … Wikipedia
cyprid — n. [L. Cypris, Venus] (ARTHROPODA: Crustacea) In some rhizocephalan barnacles, larval stage after cypris and before kentrogon … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
cypris — n. [L. Cypris, Venus] (ARTHROPODA: Crustacea) In bivalve barnacles, the nonfeeding larval stage prior to metamorphosis into the cyprid, kentrogon and adult stage, so named because of its resemblance to the ostracod genus Cypris … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
kentron — n. [Gr. kentor, piercer] (ARTHROPODA: Crustacea) In Rhizocephala, a hollow stylet in the anterior body of a kentrogon that invades the antennule and pierces the integument of its host … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
vermigon — A motile, multicellular, vermiform larval stage injected by a kentrogon larva into the host. (Syn. vermiform instar) [Brusca and Brusca, 2002] … Crustacea glossary