- keratogenic
- ker·a·to·gen·ic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
keratogenic — ker·a·to·gen·ic .ker ət ō jen ik adj capable of inducing proliferation of epidermal tissues … Medical dictionary
keratogenic — causing growth of horn, skin or hair Causation and Formation … Phrontistery dictionary
keratogenic — a. able to cause growth of horn, skin, hair, etc. ♦ keratogenous, a. horn producing. ♦ keratoid, a. horny. ♦ keratode, n. keratose substance. ♦ keratose, n. & a. (substance) of horny fibres. ♦ keratosis, n. excessive growth of… … Dictionary of difficult words
keratogenic — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|jenik adjective Etymology: kerat + genic : capable of inducing proliferation of epidermal tissues … Useful english dictionary
Causation and Formation — These words refer to causation, formation, origination, production, growth, development or generation. While this might seem like a pretty broad category, all of the words in the list derive from the single Greek word genesis, which can have all… … Phrontistery dictionary