- kutenay
- ku·te·nay
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
kutenay — noun see kutenai … Useful english dictionary
Kootenay — /kooht n ay , n ee /, n. a river flowing from SW Canada through NW Montana and N Idaho, swinging back into Canada to the Columbia River. 400 mi. (645 km) long. Also, Kootenai, Kutenay, Kutenai. * * * … Universalium
Kutenai — /kooht n ay , n ee /, n. 1. a member of a North American Indian people of British Columbia, Montana, and Idaho. 2. the language of the Kutenai Indians. 3. Kootenay. Also, Kutenay. * * * ▪ people also spelled Kootenay North American Indian… … Universalium
Kutenai — or Kutenay [ko͞ot′ n ā΄] n. 1. a member of a North American Indian people living in the Rocky Mountains in Montana, Idaho, and British Columbia 2. the language of this people: no relationship with any other language has been clearly established … English World dictionary
kootenai — Usage: usually capitalized variant of kutenai * * * Kootenai var. Kutenai, Kutenay … Useful english dictionary
Kootenay — /kooht n ay , n ee /, n. a river flowing from SW Canada through NW Montana and N Idaho, swinging back into Canada to the Columbia River. 400 mi. (645 km) long. Also, Kootenai, Kutenay, Kutenai … Useful english dictionary