- kwazoku
- kwa·zo·ku
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
kwazoku — ˈkwäzōˌkü, kwäˈzō(ˌ)kü noun (plural kwazoku) Etymology: Japanese : the class of nobility of both civil and feudal origin in the Japanese social scale compare heimin, shizoku … Useful english dictionary
Japān — (hierzu Karte »Japan und Korea«), Inselreich im äußersten Osten Asiens, das Nihón, Nippón oder Dai Nippon der Japaner, im Mittelalter Zipangu genannt. Diese Namen stammen teils von der chinesischen Bezeichnung Dschipönnkwo, teils von den sinisch… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Japan — • Called in the language of the country Nihon or Nippon (Land of the Rising Sun), and Dai Nihon or Dai Nippon (Great Japan), situated north west of the Pacific Ocean and east of the Asiatic continent Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.… … Catholic encyclopedia
heimin — ˈhāmə̇n noun (plural heimin) Etymology: Japanese, from hei common + min people : the class of commoners consisting of peasants and laborers and traders in the Japanese social scale compare kwazoku … Useful english dictionary
shizoku — ˈshēzōˌkü, shēˈzō(ˌ)kü noun (plural shizoku) Etymology: Japanese : the Japanese social class consisting of the old samurai and their families and descendants as distinguished from the heimin and the kwazoku … Useful english dictionary