- lipoblast
- li·po·blast
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
lipoblast — LIPOBLÁST, lipoblaste, s.n. (biol.) Celulă adipoasă. – Din engl. lipoblast. Trimis de LauraGellner, 24.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 LIPOBLÁST s.n. (biol.) Celulă adipoasă. [cf. gr. lipos – grăsime, blastos – germen] … Dicționar Român
Lipoblast — Ein Steatoblast (engl. lipoblast) ist eine Vorläuferzelle des Adipozyten. Er geht aus einer Mesenchymzelle hervor und kann sich nur noch zum Adipozyten weiterentwickeln … Deutsch Wikipedia
lipoblast — An embryonic fat cell. [lipo + G. blastos, germ] * * * li·po·blast lip ə .blast, līp n a connective tissue cell destined to become a fat cell * * * lipo·blast (lipґo blast) [lipo + blast] a specialized connective tissue cell that develops into a… … Medical dictionary
lipoblast — ˈlīpəˌblast, ˈlipə noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary lip + blast : a connective tissue cell destined to become a fat cell … Useful english dictionary
Mesoderm — Tissues derived from mesoderm … Wikipedia
Osteoblast — Osteoblasts actively synthesizing osteoid that contains two osteocytes. Latin osteoblastus Code … Wikipedia
List of distinct cell types in the adult human body — There are about 210 distinct human cell types,.[1][2][3] There are between 50 and 75 trillion cells in the human body.[citation needed] Cell types can be classified by their tissue of origin. However, it is possible for some cells to have their… … Wikipedia
Myocyte — A myocyte (also known as a muscle cell)[1] is the type of cell found in muscles. They arise from myoblasts.[2] Each myocyte contains myofibrils, which are long, long chains of sarcomeres, the contractile units of the cell. There are various… … Wikipedia
Osteoclast — Osteoclast, with bone below it, showing typical distinguishing characteristics: a large cell with multiple nuclei and a foamy cytosol. Latin osteoclastus Code … Wikipedia
Myoblast — Latin myoblastus MeSH Myoblasts Code TH H2. A myoblas … Wikipedia