

English syllables. 2014.

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  • longtimer — noun One who has been a resident, member, etc. for a long time …   Wiktionary

  • longtimer — ˈ ̷ ̷|tīmə(r) noun Etymology: long time + er 1. : one that has been in a place, position, or activity for a long time : old timer, old hand 2. : a prisoner serving a long term : long termer …   Useful english dictionary

  • Kaleidoscope Century — is a science fiction novel by John Barnes. First published in 1995, it is part of the author s Century Next Door series.Plot summaryThe narrator, at first appearing to be thirty five, wakes up May 27, 2109 in an apartment on human settled Mars.… …   Wikipedia

  • old hand — [n] person experienced in something expert, longtimer, old guard*, old school*, old timer*, pro*, vet*, veteran; concept 423 Ant. amateur, greenhorn, rookie …   New thesaurus

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