- lutefisk
- lu·te·fisk
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Lutefisk — (lutfisk) (pronounced|lʉːtəfɪsk in Southern Norway, IPA| [lʉːtfɪsk] in Central and Northern Norway, Sweden and the Swedish speaking areas in Finland ( lipeäkala in Finnish)) is a traditional dish of the Nordic countries made from stockfish (air… … Wikipedia
Lutefisk — con mantequilla. Lutefisk (lutfisk) (pronunciado /lutəfisk/ en Noruega y los Estados Unidos, /luːtfɪsk/ en Suecia y las zonas de habla sueca de … Wikipedia Español
Lutefisk — am 17. Mai Lutefisk (dän: ludfisk oder ludefisk, finn: lipeäkala, isl: lútfiskur, norw: lutefisk, schwed: lutfisk) ist ein traditionelles nordisches Fischgericht. Es ist eine Weiterverarbeitung des Trockenfisches. Lutefisk ist ein typisches… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lutefisk — (en bas de l assiette). Lutefisk (en haut à gauche de l assiette) servi … Wikipédia en Français
lutefisk — [lo͞ot′ə fisk΄] n. a Scandinavian dish consisting of dried cod that has been softened by soaking in a lye solution, rinsed, and then boiled … English World dictionary
lutefisk — /looh teuh fisk /, n. Scandinavian Cookery. dried cod tenderized by soaking in lye, which is rinsed out before cooking. [ < Norw lutefisk or Sw lutfisk, equiv. to lut LYE + fisk FISH] * * * … Universalium
lutefisk — noun Etymology: Norwegian, from lute to wash in lye solution + fisk fish Date: 1924 dried codfish that has been soaked in a water and lye solution before cooking … New Collegiate Dictionary
lutefisk — a Scandinavian delicacy , cod treated with lye, served hot with potatoes, pork or bacon drippings, melted butter, pepper and mustard. The fish is washed repeatedly to remove the lye; very strong smell, likened to that of a sewer, cf. surströmming … Dictionary of ichthyology
lutefisk — noun A traditional Nordic dish made from stockfish and soda lye … Wiktionary
lutefisk — (LOO teh fisk) [Norwegian, Swedish] In Scandinavian cooking, dried cod soaked in a solution of water and lye, then soaked again in freshwater before cooking … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases