- antitropic
- an·ti·trop·ic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
antitropic — a. Zoology, symmetrically reversed, as right and left hands. ♦ antitrope, n. such appendage. ♦ antitropy, n. state of being antitropic … Dictionary of difficult words
antitropic — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|träpik adjective Etymology: anti (I) + tropic 1. : sinistrorse 2. : repeated and reversed symmetrically the corresponding limbs on the right and left sides of a vertebrate are antitropic opposed to … Useful english dictionary
antitropic — Similar, bilaterally symmetrical, but in an opposite location (as in a mirror image), e.g., the right thumb in relation to the left thumb. * * * an·ti·tro·pic (an″tĭ troґpik) corresponding, but oppositely oriented, as a right and a… … Medical dictionary
antitrope — ˈantēˌtrōp, tə̇ noun ( s) Etymology: anti (I) + trope zoology : an antitropic part or appendage opposed to syntrope … Useful english dictionary
antitropy — anˈti.trəpē noun ( es) Etymology: anti (I) + tropy : the condition or quality of being antitropic … Useful english dictionary
syntropic — (ˈ)sin., sən.+ adjective Etymology: syn + tropic : repeated symmetrically without being reversed syntropic ribs opposed to antitropic * * * syntropic, a. Anat. (sɪnˈtrɒpɪk) [f. Gr. σύν syn 1 + τροπος turning + … Useful english dictionary