- antrostomy
- an·tros·to·my
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
antrostomy — Formation of a permanent opening into any antrum (maxillary sinus). [antro + G. stoma, mouth] intraoral a. SYN: Caldwell Luc operation. * * * an·tros·to·my an träs tə mē n, pl mies the operation of opening … Medical dictionary
antrostomy — n. a surgical operation to produce a permanent or semipermanent artificial opening to an antrum in a bone, so providing drainage for any fluid. The operation is sometimes carried out to treat infection of the paranasal sinuses … The new mediacal dictionary
antrostomy — təmē noun ( es) Etymology: antr + stomy : the operation of opening an antrum (as for drainage); also : the opening made in such an operation … Useful english dictionary
Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery — (FESS) is a surgical modality for some diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses. It is a relatively recent surgical procedure that uses the help of nasal endoscopes (which make use of Hopkins rod lens telescopes): these are endoscopes which… … Wikipedia
antrotomy — Incision through the wall of any antrum. [antro + G. tome, incision] * * * an·trot·o·my trät ə mē n, pl mies incision of an antrum also ANTROSTOMY * * * an·trot·o·my … Medical dictionary
Sinusitis — Classification and external resources Left sided maxillar sinusitis marked by an arrow. Note the absence of the air transparency indicating the presence of fluid in contrast to the other side. ICD 10 … Wikipedia
Operation — Although there are many meanings to the word operation , in medicine it refers to a surgical procedure. To put matters more formally, an operation is an act or series of acts performed upon the body with the hand alone or by means of an… … Medical dictionary
antrectomy — Removal of a portion of the walls of the maxillary antrum. Removal of the antrum (distal half) of the stomach; often combined with bilateral excision of portions of vagus nerve trunks (vagectomy) in treatment o … Medical dictionary
sinusitis — Inflammation of the mucous membrane of any sinus, especially of one of the paranasal sinuses. [sinus + G. itis, inflammation] * * * si·nus·itis .sī n(y)ə sīt əs n inflammation of a sinus of the skull * * * n. inflammation … Medical dictionary
antrectomy — n. 1) surgical removal of the bony walls of an antrum. See: antrostomy 2) a surgical operation in which a part of the stomach (the antrum) is removed. Most secretions of acid, pepsin, and the hormone gastrin occur in the antrum and the operation… … The new mediacal dictionary