- anubin
- anu·bin
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
anubin — noun see anubing … Useful english dictionary
ANUBIS — Aegyptiacus canis, in cuius forma colebatur Mercurius, Cynopoli inprimis. Strab. l. 17. Virg. Aen. l. 8. v. 698. Omnigenumque Deûm monstra, et latrator Anubis. Propert. l. 3. eleg. 10. v. 41. Ausa Iovi nostro latrantem opponere Anubim. Bene… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
List of characters in the Unreal series — This is a list of characters that appeared in the Unreal video game series. Recurring Tournament CharactersThe Unreal Tournament series features a small number of notable recurring characters, whose personalities and biographies were chiefly… … Wikipedia
List of Unreal characters — This is a list of characters that occur in Unreal, the series of First person shooter video games. Contents 1 Characters in the main series 2 Recurring Tournament Characters 3 Fictional Species in Unreal … Wikipedia