- mammoni
- mam·mo·ni
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
mammoni — ˈmäməˌnē noun (plural mammoni or mammonis) Etymology: Italian dialect, plural of mammone, literally, large breast, aug. of mamma breast more at mamme : the autumn crop of the caprifig compare mamme, profichi … Useful english dictionary
mammone — mammone1 pl.m. mammoni mammone1 sing.f. mammona mammone2 pl.m. mammoni mammone3 pl.m. mammoni … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
Rothari — (c. 606[1] † 652) fut roi des Lombards d Italie de 636 à 652. Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Généalogie simplifiée[5] … Wikipédia en Français
Ficus — L. (Feigenbaum), Gattung der Morazeen, Milchsaft führende Bäume oder aufrechte oder klimmende, auch epiphptische Sträucher mit meist abwechselnden, ganzrandigen oder gezahnten oder gelappten, bleibenden oder abfallenden Blättern, die vor der… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
mone — ● mone nom masculin (grec monos, solitaire) Cercopithèque d Afrique équatoriale, à pelage brun rouge, à face claire. mone n. f. ZOOL Singe (Cercopithecus mona) largement répandu dans les forêts d Afrique tropicale. ⇒MONE, subst. fém. ZOOL. Singe… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Feigenbaum — Fei|gen|baum 〈m. 1u; Bot.〉 Angehöriger einer artenreichen, bes. in den Tropen verbreiteten Gattung der Maulbeergewächse: Ficus * * * Fei|gen|baum, der: (in tropischem u. subtropischem Klima wachsender) Baum mit großen, fingerförmig gelappten… … Universal-Lexikon
gattomammone — /gat:oma m:one/ (o gatto mammone) s.m. [comp. di gatto e un der. dell arabo maimūn scimmia , propr. scimmia gatto ] (pl. gattimammoni o gatti mammoni ). [mostro immaginario e spaventoso delle favole] ▶◀ babau, lupo mannaro, mostro, orco, uomo… … Enciclopedia Italiana
Séligmann, Guy — (March 24, 1939, Paris, France ) He entered films as an assistant director (1960 Sergent X / USA: Sergeant X of the Foreign Legion, Bernard Borderie; 1961 La giornata balorda / Ça s est passé à Rome / UK: A Crazy Day / USA: From a Roman… … Encyclopedia of French film directors
Mammone — An Italian term that describes mollycoddled mommy’s boys. Italy’s mammoni have long been the source of gentle amusement to outside observers; however, a recent report in The Independent highlighted a serious consequence of maternal overprotection … Dictionary of unconsidered lexicographical trifles
mamme — ˈmämā noun (plural mamme or mammes) Etymology: Italian dialect, plural of mamma, literally, breast, from Latin; from the shape of the fruit more at mamma : the overwintering crop of the caprifig maturing in the spring compare … Useful english dictionary