

English syllables. 2014.

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  • manhattanese — man|hatən|ēz, maan , mən , ēs noun (plural manhattanese) Usage: capitalized, often attributive Etymology: Manhattan borough + English ese 1. : a New Yorker who lives on Manhattan Island usually used in plural 2. : English as spoken by the …   Useful english dictionary

  • Manhattanese — adjective Of, or from, Manhattan Syn: Manhattanite …   Wiktionary

  • Manhattanite — 1. adjective Of, or from, Manhattan Syn: Manhattanese 2. noun Someone from Manhattan …   Wiktionary

  • Manhattan — Манхаттан (название острова и центрального района Нью Йорка). Производные: Manhattanese, Manhattanite житель Манхаттана. Оттопоними ческие образования: Manhattan коктейль; Manhattan Project «проект Манхаттан» (разработка атомной бомбы) …   Словарь топонимов США

  • Man|hat|tan|ese — «man HAT uh NEEZ, NEES», adjective, noun, plural ese. –adj. of the borough of Manhattan; having to do with Manhattan, New York, or its inhabitants: »I was Manhattanese, friendly, and proud (Walt Whitman). –n. = Manhattanite. (Cf. ↑Manhattanite) …   Useful english dictionary

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