

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Maomao — may refer to any of at least three different species of fish: Blue maomao, Scorpis violacea. Green damselfish, Abudefduf abdominalis. Pink maomao, Caprodon longimanus. Maomao may also refer to the Mandarin slang term for Giant Panda. This… …   Wikipedia

  • maomao — noun A number of different fish of the Pacific Ocean …   Wiktionary

  • maomao — I. ˈmau̇ˌmau̇ noun ( s) Etymology: Samoan ma oma o : a Samoan honey eater (Gymnomyza samoensis) II. noun ( s) Etymology: Maori …   Useful english dictionary

  • Blue maomao — Taxobox name = Blue maomao image caption = Photo by Ian Skipworth regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Actinopterygii ordo = Perciformes familia = Kyphosidae genus = Scorpis species = S. violacea binomial = Scorpis violacea binomial… …   Wikipedia

  • Pink maomao — Taxobox name = Pink maomao image caption = regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Actinopterygii ordo = Perciformes familia = Serranidae subfamilia = Anthiinae genus = Caprodon species = C. longimanus binomial = Caprodon longimanus… …   Wikipedia

  • Raka Maomao — In Polynesian mythology, Raka Maomao is the god of wind, equivalent to La a Maomao (Hawaii) and Fa atiu (Samoa).cite web | last = Kawaharada | first = Dennis | title = Introduction to The Wind Gourd of La‘amaomao | publisher = University of… …   Wikipedia

  • Deng Maomao — Xiao Rong (auch Deng Rong) (am 14. Juli 2006 in Bad Kissingen) Xiao Rong, auch Deng Rong (chin. 邓榕, Dèng Róng) und Deng Maomao (chin. 毛毛) genannt (* 1950 in Peking, Volksrepublik China), ist eine chinesische Unternehmerin und …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • La'a Maomao — In Hawaiian mythology, La a Maomao is the god of the wind. He was said to be created in the midst of chaos by his father, the sun god. Largely a benevolent entity, he is the god of forgiveness …   Wikipedia

  • La'a Maomao — es, en la mitología hawaiana, el dios del viento. Fue creado en medio del caos por su padre, el dios del sol. En gran parte una entidad de beneficencia, es el dios del perdón. Categorías: Mitología hawaianaDioses de los vientos …   Wikipedia Español

  • Duo Maomao — The Chinese name for hide and seek (literally, “eluding the cat”) – and the official explanation of how a young Chinese man sustained fatal injuries while in police custody. The Times of London reported: The phrase “eluding the cat” – the Chinese …   Dictionary of unconsidered lexicographical trifles

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