- mariculture
- mari·culture
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
mariculture — ● mariculture nom féminin (latin mare, mer) Culture ou élevage en milieu marin à des fins commerciales. (On distingue la conchyliculture [ostréiculture, mytiliculture] et la pisciculture.) … Encyclopédie Universelle
mariculture — [mar′i kul΄chər] n. [< L mare, sea + CULTURE] saltwater aquaculture mariculturist n … English World dictionary
Mariculture — Fish cages containing salmon in Loch Ailort, Scotland. Mariculture is a specialized branch of aquaculture involving the cultivation of marine organisms for food and other products in the open ocean, an enclosed section of the ocean, or in tanks,… … Wikipedia
Mariculture — Parc à huitres en rivière du Bélon … Wikipédia en Français
mariculture — marine cultivation or aquaculture of organisms in tanks, pens, ponds or cages or net enclosed areas in the open sea. Fish are usually raised to market size; a marine hatchery is also a mariculture facility but fish are usually released as young … Dictionary of ichthyology
mariculture — noun Etymology: Latin mare sea + English culture (as in agriculture) Date: circa 1909 the cultivation of marine organisms in their natural environment • mariculturist noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
mariculture — Fish farming or aquaculture of marine animals or plants … Fisheries — dictionary
mariculture — /mar i kul cheuhr/, n. marine aquaculture. Also called ocean farming. [1900 05; < L mari , comb. form of mare sea + CULTURE, on the model of AGRICULTURE] * * * … Universalium
mariculture — noun seawater aquaculture of fish or other sea creatures … Wiktionary
mariculture — Large scale cultivation of marine organisms under controlled conditions, for use as food or for other economic purposes; also utilization of the marine habitat for cultivation of aquatic organisms [Bliss, 1982] … Crustacea glossary
mariculture — a branch of aquaculture specializing in the cultivation of marine organisms in salt water usually by enclosing a cubic volume of a natural waterway. May be for food e.g. fish, shellfish & seaweed or non food e.g. cosmetics & jewellery … Geography glossary