- maritagium
- mar·i·ta·gi·um
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Maritagĭum — Maritagĭum, s. Leibeigenschaft, S. 351 … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Maritagium — Latin term for a woman s marriage portion which was given in land. However, by the end of the 13c such gifts were being given as money. But heiresses and wealthy widows who married again had different arrangements. Cf. Enfeoffment to use … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
maritagium — /maerateyj(iy)am/ The portion which is given with a daughter in marriage. Also the power which the lord or guardian in chivalry had of disposing of his infant ward in matrimony … Black's law dictionary
maritagium — /maerateyj(iy)am/ The portion which is given with a daughter in marriage. Also the power which the lord or guardian in chivalry had of disposing of his infant ward in matrimony … Black's law dictionary
maritagium — The right of marriage, which is to be distinguished from matrimonium and in its feudal sense signifies the power the lord or guardian in chivalry had of disposing of his infant ward in matrimony. See 2 Bl Comm 70 … Ballentine's law dictionary
maritagium — noun see maritage … Useful english dictionary
maritagium est aut liberum aut servitio obligatum; liberum maritagium dicitur ubi donator vult quod terra sic data quieta sit et libera ab omni seculari servitio — /maerateyjiyam est 6t libaram 6t sarvishiyam oblageytam; libaram maerateyjiyam disatar yuwbay daneytar valt kwod tehra sik deyta kwayiyta sit et libera abb omnay sekyaleray sarvishiyow/ A marriage portion is either free or bound to service; it is … Black's law dictionary
maritagium est aut liberum aut servitio obligatum; liberum maritagium dicitur ubi donator vult quod terra sic data quieta sit et libera ab omni seculari servitio — /maerateyjiyam est 6t libaram 6t sarvishiyam oblageytam; libaram maerateyjiyam disatar yuwbay daneytar valt kwod tehra sik deyta kwayiyta sit et libera abb omnay sekyaleray sarvishiyow/ A marriage portion is either free or bound to service; it is … Black's law dictionary
Maritagium est aut liberum aut servitio obligatum; liberum maritagium dicitur obi donator volt quod terra sic data quieta sit et libera ab omni seculari servitio — Marriage is either frankmarriage or obligated with service; it is called frankmarriage when the giver wills it that land so given be secure and free from all secular service … Ballentine's law dictionary
maritagium habere — /maerateyj(iy)am habiriy/ To have the free disposal of an heiress in marriage … Black's law dictionary