- matripotestal
- matri·potestal
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
matripotestal — |ma.trē, |mā.+ adjective Etymology: matr + potestal : of, relating to, or being the power exercised by a matriarch or her blood relatives matripotestal authority contrasted with patripotestal * * * /ma tree poh tes tl, may /, adj. Anthropol. of… … Useful english dictionary
matripotestal — /ma tree poh tes tl, may /, adj. Anthropol. of or pertaining to the authority exercised by a mother or a mother s blood relatives. [MATRI + potestal < L potest(as) power + AL1] * * * … Universalium
matripotestal — adj. of or pertaining to a mother s authority or the authority of the mother s relatives … English contemporary dictionary
matriherital — a. pertaining to inheritance in female line. ♦ matrilineal, a. tracing descent in female line. ♦ matrilocal, a. pertaining to marriage in which husband goes to reside with wife and her family. ♦ matripotestal, a. pertaining to mother s … Dictionary of difficult words
patripotestal — |pa.trə, |pā.trə+ adjective Etymology: patr + potestal : marked by the authority of the father or of a council of the father s relatives contrasted with matripotestal … Useful english dictionary