- messalian
- mes·sa·lian
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Messalian — /mi sayl yeuhn, say lee euhn/, n. Euchite. [1585 95; < LGk Messalianós < Syriac masallayane given to prayer] * * * … Universalium
messalian — mə̇ˈsālyən, lēən noun ( s) Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Late Greek Messalianoi, Massalianoi, plural, from Syriac mĕṣallĕyānē, literally, those who pray : euchite 1 … Useful english dictionary
Euchites — The Euchites or Messalians were a sect first condemned as heretical in a synod of 383AD (Side, Pamphylia), whose acta was referred by Photius.[1] From Mesopotamia they spread to Asia Minor and Thrace. The name Messalian comes from the Syriac… … Wikipedia
Members of the covenant — The members of the covenant were an important part of early Syriac Christianity. Before the advent of monasticism proper (which developed in the desert of Egypt), most Syriac churches would consist of a community focused around the members of the … Wikipedia
Diadochos of Photiki — Saint Diadochos of Photiki was a fifth century ascetic whose work is included in the Philokalia. Scholars have acknowledged his great influence on later Byzantine saints such as Maximos the Confessor, John Climacus, Symeon the New Theologian, and … Wikipedia
Archbishop Atticus of Constantinople — Atticus (d. 425 or October 10 426) was the archbishop of Constantinople, succeeding Arsacius of Tarsus in March 406. He had been an opponent of John Chrysostom and helped Arsacius of Tarsus depose him, but later became a supporter of him after… … Wikipedia
Book of Steps — The Book of Steps (), and represent a life devoted to charity. On the other hand, the perfect are expected to renounce family, marriage and property so as to receive baptism of fire and Spirit. This division of the community echoes a similar… … Wikipedia
Euchite — /yooh kuyt/, n. a member of a mendicant, ascetic sect living chiefly in Syria and Mesopotamia in the 4th 7th centuries A.D., and holding a belief that the demon in each person can be expelled only by ceaseless prayer. Also called Messalian. [1575 … Universalium
Massalian — variant of Messalian … Useful english dictionary
Massilian — variant of Messalian … Useful english dictionary