- mithridatize
- mith·ri·da·tize
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
mithridatize — /mith ri day tuyz/, v.t., mithridatized, mithridatizing. to induce a state of mithridatism in (a person). Also, esp. Brit., mithridatise. [1865 70; MITHRIDAT(ISM) + IZE] * * * … Universalium
mithridatize — verb To make immune to poison by the administration of gradually increasing doses … Wiktionary
mithridatize — v.tr. (also ise) render proof against a poison by administering gradually increasing doses of it. Derivatives: mithridatic adj. mithridatism n. Etymology: f. mithridate a supposed universal antidote attributed to Mithridates VI, king of Pontus d … Useful english dictionary
mithridatiser — [ mitridatize ] v. tr. <conjug. : 1> • 1878 ; de Mithridate ♦ Littér. Immuniser en accoutumant à un poison. Pronom. Se mithridatiser. P. p. adj. « entraînée par une absorption massive de cette drogue, Folcoche était littéralement… … Encyclopédie Universelle
mithridatise — /mɪθrəˈdeɪtaɪz/ (say mithruh daytuyz) verb (t) (mithridatised, mithridatising) to induce a state of mithridatism in. Also, mithridatize …
mithridatism — n. immunity from poison obtained by consuming series of small doses. ♦ mithridatic, a. ♦ mithridatize, v.t … Dictionary of difficult words