- aprac
- aprac·tic;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
aprač — ×aprač (l. oprocz, brus. aпpoч) praep. su gen., apračiai BzB272 išskiriant, be: Nieko negirk aprač Dievo Mž388 … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
apractic — aprac·tic … English syllables
Michel Briguet — (Bordeaux, 23 août 1918 Paris, 5 mai 1997) est un musicien, pianiste, musicologue et pédagogue français … Wikipédia en Français
Apraxia — The inability to execute a voluntary motor movement despite being able to demonstrate normal muscle function. Apraxia is not related to a lack of understanding or to any kind of physical paralysis but is caused by a problem in the cortex of the… … Medical dictionary
apractagnosia — SYN: constructional apraxia. [G. a priv. + praktea, things to be done, + gnosis, recognition] * * * aprac·tag·no·sia (ə prak″tag noґzhə) [apractic + agnosia] a type of agnosia marked by inability to use objects or perform skilled… … Medical dictionary
tic — ace·tic; ace·to·ace·tic; ach·er·on·tic; achres·tic; ach·ro·ma·tic·i·ty; acys·tic; adi·ag·nos·tic; aero·elas·tic; aero·tac·tic; agres·tic; alan·tic; al·bi·nis·tic; al·che·mis·tic; al·lo·cryp·tic; al·lo·plas·tic; al·lo·plas·tic·i·ty; al·tru·is·tic; … English syllables