- aquaplaner
- aq·ua·plan·er
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
aquaplaner — noun see aquaplane I … New Collegiate Dictionary
aquaplaner — ˌplānə(r) noun ( s) : one that aquaplanes * * * aˈquaplaner noun • • • Main Entry: ↑aqua … Useful english dictionary
aquaplane — aquaplaner, n. /ak weuh playn , ah kweuh /, n., v., aquaplaned, aquaplaning. n. 1. a board that skims over water when towed at high speed by a motorboat, used to carry a rider in aquatic sports. v.i. 2. to ride an aquaplane. 3. hydroplane (def.… … Universalium
aquaplane — I. noun Date: 1914 a board towed behind a speeding motorboat and ridden by a person standing on it • aquaplaner noun II. intransitive verb Date: 1914 1. to ride on an aquaplane 2. British hydroplane … New Collegiate Dictionary