- mysteriosophy
- mys·te·ri·os·o·phy
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
mysteriosophy — noun Doctrine and knowledge pertaining to secrets and mystery … Wiktionary
mysteriosophy — system of knowledge concerning secrets and mysteries Words of Wisdom … Phrontistery dictionary
mysteriosophy — mə̇ˌstirēˈäsəfē noun ( es) Etymology: Greek mystērion mystery + English sophy : esoteric doctrine concerning the ancient mysteries … Useful english dictionary
dualism — dualist, n., adj. /dooh euh liz euhm, dyooh /, n. 1. the state of being dual or consisting of two parts; division into two. 2. Philos. a. the view that there are just two mutually irreducible substances. Cf. monism, pluralism. b. the view that… … Universalium
Words of Wisdom — This group of 30 odd sophy and sopher words have in common an etymological derivation from the Greek sophia, meaning wisdom . They refer to an odd group of systems of knowledge, esoteric doctrines, and philosophical practices, most of which are… … Phrontistery dictionary
ДУАЛИЗМ — [от лат. dualis двойственный], представление о том, что основу мира и бытия составляют 2 независимых начала, часто противоположные друг другу: свет и тьма, добро и зло, духовное и материальное, мужское и женское и т. п. Эти 2 начала в разных… … Православная энциклопедия