

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Napiform — Na pi*form, a. [L. napus turnip + form: cf. F. napiforme. Cf. {Navew}.] (Bot.) Turnip shaped; large and round in the upper part, and very slender below. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • napiform — [nā′pə fôrm΄] adj. [< L napus, turnip (see NEEP) + FORM] large and round at the top, tapering sharply below; turnip shaped: said of roots …   English World dictionary

  • napiform — adjective Etymology: Latin napus turnip (perhaps from Greek napy, sinapy mustard) + International Scientific Vocabulary iform Date: circa 1841 globular at the top and tapering off abruptly < a napiform root > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • napiform — adjective /ˈneɪp.ɪ.fɔːm,ˈneɪ.pɪ.fɔɹm/ Shaped like a turnip; spherical at the top, but with a tapering bottom. The primary root is transformed into an perennating storage root, which is tuberous or napiform and then often branched …   Wiktionary

  • napiform — /nay peuh fawrm /, adj. round at the top and tapering sharply below; turnip shaped, as a root. [1840 50; < L nap(us) a kind of turnip + I + FORM] * * * …   Universalium

  • napiform — na·pi·form (naґpĭ form) [L. napus turnip + forma shape] having the shape or form of a turnip …   Medical dictionary

  • napiform — shaped like a turnip Shapes and Resemblance …   Phrontistery dictionary

  • napiform — adj. turnip shaped …   English contemporary dictionary

  • napiform —   Turnip shaped; large and round in the upper part, and very slender below, e.g. the tuberous, subterranean (hypogeous) caudex of many cycad species …   Expanded glossary of Cycad terms

  • napiform — na•pi•form [[t]ˈneɪ pəˌfɔrm[/t]] adj. turnip shaped, as a root • Etymology: 1840–50; < L nāp(us) a kind of turnip + i + form …   From formal English to slang

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