- volplane
- vol·plane
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Volplane — Vol plane , v. i. [F. vol plan[ e] act of volplaning; vol flight + plan[ e], p.p.; cf. planer to hover.] (A[ e]ronautics) To glide in a flying machine. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
volplane — [väl′plān΄] vi. volplaned, volplaning [Fr vol plané < vol, flight < voler, to fly (< L volare) + plané, pp. of planer, to glide: see PLANE4] to glide down in or as in an airplane with the engine cut off n. such a glide … English World dictionary
volplane — 1. noun /ˈvɒlpleɪn/ a steep, controlled dive, especially by an aircraft with the engine off 2. verb /ˈvɒlpleɪn/ to make a volplane … Wiktionary
volplane Aeronautics — [ vɒlpleɪn] noun a controlled dive at a steep angle, especially by an aircraft with the engine shut off. verb (of an aircraft) make such a dive. Origin early 20th cent.: from Fr. vol plané, lit. glided flight … English new terms dictionary
volplane — intransitive verb (volplaned; volplaning) Etymology: French vol plané gliding flight Date: 1909 1. to glide in or as if in an airplane 2. glide 3 … New Collegiate Dictionary
volplane — volplanist, n. /vol playn /, v., volplaned, volplaning, n. v.i. 1. to glide toward the earth in an airplane, with no motor power or with the power shut off. n. 2. a glide in an airplane. [1905 10; < F vol plané glided flight, equiv. to vol flight … Universalium
volplane — Synonyms and related words: acrobatics, aerobatics, aeroplane, airlift, airplane, balloon, banking, be airborne, chandelle, crabbing, cruise, dive, diving, drift, ferry, fishtailing, flit, fly, glide, hop, hover, hydroplane, jet, navigate, nose… … Moby Thesaurus
volplane — vol·plane || vÉ‘lpleɪn / vÉ’l n. gliding with engine shut off (of an airplane) v. glide in an airplane; fly in a glider … English contemporary dictionary
volplane — vol•plane [[t]ˈvɒlˌpleɪn[/t]] v. i. planed, plan•ing, aer. to glide toward the earth in an airplane with no motor power or with the power shut off • Etymology: 1905–10; < F vol′plan ist, n … From formal English to slang
volplane — /ˈvɒlpleɪn/ (say volplayn) verb (i) (volplaned, volplaning) 1. Aviation History to glide towards the earth in an aeroplane, with no engine power or with the engine shut off. 2. (of birds and such animals as gliders, possums, squirrels, etc.) to… …