

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Volsci — (Volsker), großer italischer Volksstamm, wohnte an beiden Ufern des Liris, im Norden durch die Apenninen von den Sammlern geschieden, im Süden durch das Tyrrhenische Meer begrenzt, in der Nachbarschaft der Römer. Sie redeten oskisch u. hatten… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • VOLSCI — vel VOLCI, populi Latii ultra Circeios. Subiugati a Consule T. Sicino, An. 267. Urb. Cond. et a Q. Capitolino An. 286. triumphati a Dictatore, Aur. Posthumio Tuberto, An. 323. Iterum subacti a Camillo, An. 365. Liv. l. 3. et 4. Plin. l. 3. c. 5.… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Volsci — [väl′sī΄] pl.n. [L] an ancient people of Latium, conquered by the Romans in the 4th cent. B.C …   English World dictionary

  • Volsci — /vol suy, see, shee/, n.pl. an ancient people of Latium who were conquered by the Romans in the last part of the 4th century B.C. * * * Ancient Italic people prominent in the history of Roman expansion in the 5th century BC. They belonged to the… …   Universalium

  • Volsci — The Volsci were an ancient Italic people, well known in the history of the first century of the Roman Republic. They then inhabited the partly hilly, partly marshy district of the south of Latium, bounded by the Aurunci and Samnites on the south …   Wikipedia

  • Volsci — noun plural Etymology: Latin Date: circa 1909 a people of ancient Italy dwelling between the Latins and Samnites …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Volsci — Vol•sci [[t]ˈvɒl saɪ, si, ʃi[/t]] n. pl. peo an Italic people of Latium and Campania, subjugated by Rome in the 4th century b.c …   From formal English to slang

  • Volsci — /ˈvɒlski/ (say volskee) plural noun an ancient people of southern Latium, an ancient country in Italy, subdued by Rome late in the 4th century BC …  

  • volsci — ˈvälˌsī noun plural Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Latin : a people of ancient Italy dwelling between the Latins and Samnites and becoming part of the Roman republic about 373 B.C. * * * /vol suy, see, shee/, n.pl. an ancient people of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Castro dei Volsci — Castro dei Volsci …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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